Saturday, March 1, 2008

Optimistic Mr. President? Really? How?

My wife told me the other day that she saw President Bush on TV and he said that he is very optimistic about our economy right now. I told her this...

In light of the fact that oil is at $103/Barrel right now, I would imagine he is very optimistic. I would be too if I were in the oil business, but like the other 99.9999% of us, I don't own one single oil well. Imagine that, huh.

This was all on Thursday of last week. The following day I found this article in a local newspaper:

Now if you're one of the Americans who is lucky enough to not have to worry about money, then you can just ignore this whole blog posting, and as long as you don't make inconsiderate comments about those less fortunate that you (especially if you're supposed to be working for us), then I won't be upset with you. After all, most of our citizens are striving to find that financial freedom, even if we never find it.

President Bush can kiss my white, usually broke behind. I'm glad I wasn't at that press conference on Thursday because I'd have to buy a new pair of shoes and pants on account of all of the crap he was dishing out. This country will certainly be much better off once he's out of the White House, and good riddens. I've only been waiting for the day for nearly 8 years now, and I'm looking sooooo forward to election day! Woooohoooooo!

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My Favorite Quotes

"Look! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me to repay each person according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
     -The Lord, Our God
     -The Book of Revelation 22:12 & 22:13, The Holy Bible

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
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