Monday, June 11, 2007

Write Your Congressmen

I just wanted to take a couple of minutes to urge you to write your congressmen on issues that affect you and your families. Let them know that you are keeping an eye on things and watching what goes on in their corner of the world. They represent you and your families in Washington D.C., they work for you, and therefore they owe you an explanation for anything they've done that you don't agree with.

By writing them about issues you feel strongly about, you are keeping them in check. If nobody took the time to do this, then they would do whatever best suited them. We can't let that happen, so keep them watching over their shoulder as if you are standing right behind them watching them work.

Here is an example: Last year, I had a real problem with the issue of "Net Neutrality" which basically would have imposed horrible charges and taxes on most website owners and on people who use the Internet regularly. It was terrible legislation compiled by the giant telecommunication companies and handed to their puppets in D.C. Well, I hated the idea of the whole thing, so I wrote my Congressman in the House of Representatives and here is the letter I received from him letting me know where he stood on the matter:

(Click on the letter/picture to view it or read it)

I was thrilled to get this letter back from him, and it settled, or calmed my mind on this issue. It let me know that my opinion does count and each and every one of us do matter. We have to take it upon ourselves to speak up though, or things that could have gone our way might not. So stay informed about what is going on in your country, in our country, and let our representatives and senators know that we are keeping up.

Post your comments, they are welcome. I'd like to know how many people are actually writing their Congressmen, and how many of you have received letters similar to the one I have on this blog. Let me know!

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My Favorite Quotes

"Look! I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me to repay each person according to what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."
     -The Lord, Our God
     -The Book of Revelation 22:12 & 22:13, The Holy Bible

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
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